Across the canal from Staten Island, all eyes
on the mainland remained glued to their televisions, their computers, and their
mobile device waiting for reports on the takeover of the island. Those living
close by were able to witness, firsthand, the clouds of billowing smoke and the
occasional sporadic bursts of flames, which appeared throughout the island.
Sirens continually blared their warning letting all know that insurgents
continued their siege.
From the mainland, a white satellite van came
to a screeching halt at the mouth of the Goethals Bridge. The logo on the side
of the van read, News Channel: New York 2. A man exited from the driver’s side
while a woman exited the passenger’s side of the vehicle.
Brittany, the
woman, stayed as close to the van as she could, but also wanted to be as close
to the action as possible without being shot. But now, she was mad. She turned,
and scowled at Jimmy, the driver and camera operator, as he came around the
back of the van because he didn’t have the camera rolling when she had witnessed
the fall of the Statue of Liberty.